Sync Users with plain files
To find users which are not in a second list I use mysql as a tool.
To get the users in a group:
pw showgroup freebus >users.txt
Now edit the file and remove the group name and the GID.
Load the file with:
create database users;
use users;
create table users (users varchar(100));
load data infile '/root/users.txt' into table users lines terminated by ',';
Maybe you have to update the last entry.
Create the second list with:
svn -q log | grep '^r' | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | sort | uniq >commiters.txt
Take the comma seperated list of the second file:
create table commiters (users varchar(100));
load data infile '/root/commiters.txt' into table commiters lines terminated by '\n';
Get a list of all users which are not in both lists:
select users.users,commiters.users from users left outer join commiters on users.users=commiters.users where commiters.users IS NULL;