http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/pxe/index.html , http://www.daemonsecurity.com/pxe/jumpstart.html and http://www.daemonsecurity.com/pxe/diskless.html
and http://www.daemonsecurity.com/pub/pxeboot/
To setup PXEBoot to autoinstall a FreeBSD:
mdconfig -a -t vnode -f kern.flp -u 0 # (vnconfig vn0 kern.flp) associate a vndevice with the file
mount /dev/md0 /mnt/test # (mount /dev/vn0 /mnt) mount it
cp -R /mnt /usr/tftp/boot # copy the contents to /usr/tftpboot
umount /mnt # unmount it
mdconfig -d -u 0 # disassociate the vndevice from the file
mdconfig -a -t vnode -f mfsroot.flp -u 0
mount /dev/md0 /mnt/test # mount it
cp /mnt/test/mfsroot.gz /usr/tftp/boot # copy the contents to /usr/tftp/boot
umount /mnt/test # unmount it
mdconfig -d -u 0 # disassociate the vndevice from the file
cd /usr/tftp/boot # get into the pxeboot directory
gunzip mfsroot.gz # uncompress the mfsroot
cd /usr/tftp/boot
mdconfig -a -t vnode -f mfsroot -u 0
mount /dev/md0 /mnt/test
cp /root/install.cfg /mnt/test
umount /mnt/test
mdconfig -d -u 0
Diskless client
Make a diskless client:
Building the base system
cd /usr/src
make buildworld
make DESTDIR=/usr/local/diskless/FreeBSD installworld
make DESTDIR=/usr/local/diskless/FreeBSD distribution
Building a custom kernel
cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf
Add the following lines to the kernel configuration:
# Filesystems
options PSEUDOFS # Pseudo-filesystem framework
options NFSCLIENT # NFS filesystem support
options NFS_ROOT # NFS is a posible root device
# Memory pseudo devices
device mem # Memory and kernel memory devices
device md # Memory "disks"
options BOOTP # BOOTP is only needed to get hostname
Now build the kernel with
cd /usr/src
make KERNCONF=DISKLESS buildkernel
Installing the boot files:
mkdir -p /usr/local/diskless/FreeBSD/boot/defaults
cp /boot/defaults/loader.conf /usr/local/diskless/FreeBSD/boot/defaults/
cp /usr/src/sys/boot/i386/loader/loader.rc /usr/local/diskless/FreeBSD/boot/
cp /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC.hints /usr/local/diskless/FreeBSD/boot/device.hints
Install the kernel:
make KERNCONF=DISKLESS DESTDIR=/usr/local/diskless/FreeBSD installkernel
Installing tftp
Copy the files:
cp /usr/local/diskless/FreeBSD/boot/pxeboot /usr/local/tftp/boot/
Enable tftp in the inetd.conf
tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/libexec/tftpd tftpd -l -s /usr/local/tftp
Setting up dhcp server
Put the following lines into the dhcpd.conf:
filename "boot/pxeboot";
subnet netmask {
option root-path "";
Setting up the NFS server
Edit the /etc/exports and add the following lines:
# for pxe boot
/usr/local/diskless/FreeBSD -alldirs -ro
/usr -alldirs -ro
Disable ACPI
Edit the file /usr/local/diskless/FreeBSD/boot/loader.conf.local:
verbose_loading="YES" # Set to YES for verbose loader output
If you boot the diskless system now, it should load the kernel and boot up to the login prompt with some error messages.
Configure the diskless client
At first we chroot to avoid confusion about pathes:
cd /usr/local/diskless
chroot FreeBSD/
To enable syslog edit /etc/rc.conf:
syslogd_enable="YES" # Run syslog daemon (or NO).
Edit /etc/syslog.conf and put only these lines into it:
*.err;kern.warning;auth.notice;mail.crit /dev/console
*.* @server.idefix.loc
After the @ put the hostname which should receive the logs.
Disable cron and enable ntp for time syncronization, edit /etc/rc.conf:
cron_enable="NO" # Run the periodic job daemon.
ntpdate_enable="YES" # Run ntpdate to sync time on boot (or NO).
ntpdate_hosts="" # ntp server to use for ntpdate
Configure the filesystems in the file /etc/fstab:
# Device Mount FStype Options Dump Pass# / nfs ro 0 0 /home nfs rw,userquota 0 0
proc /proc procfs rw 0 0
To enable /tmp and /var as ram drive add to /etc/rc.conf:
tmpmfs="YES" # Set to YES to always create an mfs /tmp, NO to never
varmfs="YES" # Set to YES to always create an mfs /var, NO to never
Creating the HOME directory:
mkdir /home
Set password for root account:
passwd root
Create a useraccount:
Exit from the chroot.
Installing software
Mount the porttree via nullfs to /usr/local/diskless/FreeBSD:
mount_nullfs /usr/ports/ /usr/local/diskless/FreeBSD/usr/ports
To get all software installed correctly mount /dev into the chroot environment:
mount -t devfs devfs /usr/local/diskless/FreeBSD/dev
Now chroot with:
cd /usr/local/diskless
chroot FreeBSD/
and install cvsup at first.
After installing required software with the port-tree unmount the devfs again with:
umount /usr/local/diskless/FreeBSD/dev